SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2518344 - What is the size of trash? - [SAP Jam / SAP Work Zone]


What is the size of trash in SAP Jam?

 Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.




  • The trash is part of your SAP Jam instance storage limit.
  • It is not possible to view the size of data in the trash. 
  • To view how much storage space is being used by your company instance a Company Administrator should go to 'Admin' -> 'Overview' and note the 'Storage Usage' information.

storage usage.jpg

  • It is recommended to regularly do 'house keeping' and purge un-needed trash from Groups & User's trash.
  • To automate permanent deletion of date you can enable the 'Automatic purge' settings: 
  • When you enable the automatic daily purge setting, only the items that have remained in Trash for a specified number of days are automatically, permanently removed/deleted. 
  • This setting is found in 'Admin' -> 'Compliance & Security' -> 'Content Administration' -> 'Purge Settings'



trash, JAM, rubbish, "delete forever", "save space" , KBA , LOD-SF-SWZ-ARE , Admin Area Feature , LOD-SF-JAM , SAP Jam , LOD-SF-SWZ , Digital Workplace Service in Work Zone Advanced edition , How To


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