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2518396 - SAP HANA system replication - registration of secondary site fails


You get error similar to following while trying to register a secondary site.

error: unable to contact primary site; to <host-name>:<port>; original error: reading unsupported as Int,location=<host-name>:<port>;failed. trace file nameserver_<host-name>.00000.000.trc may contain more error details.

Nameserver trace on secondary site shows following.

[107232]{-1}[-1/-1] 2017-07-12 08:22:50.540371 e TrexNet BufferedIO.cpp(05067) : active channel (since 37792mues) 2 from <portSite2> to <IpAddress>:<portSite1> with method dr_gethdbversion with id 2 on host <host-name> on port 0 from process hdbnsutil with service port 0, pid 107232 and tid 107232: protocol mismatch - trying to read type unsupported as Int
[107232]{-1}[-1/-1] 2017-07-12 08:22:50.540403 e TrexNetIO BufferedIO.cpp(01724) : dump of TrexNet buffer: size 7, current position 0x00007f518579f2a8 (0 bytes), mode incoming, active channel (since 37873mues) 2 from <portSite2> to <IpAddress>:<portSite1> with method dr_gethdbversion with id 2 on host host on port 0 from process hdbnsutil with service port 0, pid 107232 and tid 107232, content:
BLOB START (Addr: 0x00007f518579f2a8 Len: 7)
0x00007f518579f2a8 15 03 03 00 02 02 2f ....../
[107232]{-1}[-1/-1] 2017-07-12 08:22:50.540424 e TrexNet BufferedIO.cpp(05069) :
12569[thr=0]: <SYSTEM> at
1: 0x00007f51d6a7844d in TrexNet::BufferedNetInput::checkType(unsigned char)+0xaa9 at BufferedIO.cpp:5069 (
2: 0x00007f51d6a78d5b in TrexNet::BufferedNetInput::operator>>(int&)+0x17 at BufferedIO.cpp:4191 (
3: 0x00007f51d6a5babc in NameServer::Response::deserialize(TRexUtils::Deserializer&)+0x18 at TNSObjects.cpp:248 (
4: 0x00007f51d6a6a700 in TrexNet::BufferedNetInput::operator>>(TRexUtils::Serializable&)+0x10 at BufferedIO.cpp:4836 (
5: 0x00007f51d69e9b92 in NameServer::TNSInfo::sendRequestTo(NameServer::Request const&, NameServer::Response&, ltt_adp::basic_string<char, ltt::char_traits<char>, ltt::integral_constant<bool, true> > const&, unsigned short, NameServer::TrexNetRequestHolder*)+0x1b0 at TNSInfo.cpp:448 (






SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0


replication, HANA, ssl, systempki, secondary site, communication, register, hdbnsutil , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , Problem

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