When doing incremental loads for contingent worker (record between start and end contingent worker), the data that is imported gets wiped out from the end contingent worker record.
Employee Central: Contingent workforce
Reproducing the Issue
- Add a contingent worker or search for an existing contingent worker.
- Note the start and end dates of Work Order and Job Information. The events SCWK and ECWK should match between these two portlets if data is added correctly.
- Take Action -> Edit Organisation Information.
- Add a Job Information record with effective date in between SCWK and ECWK records and event Job Change.
- If a workflow is configured, approve the workflow.
- Check in Job Information record that the data is entered correctly.
- Change end date of the Work Order.
- Make sure that end date is after the previously inserted Job Information record's effective date (10 July, 2017). Effective date of the record can be anything (for example, today's date that the system automatically picks up as effective date).
End date is 8 Oct, 2021. - Check Work Order which looks fine.
- Check Job Information record. Notice that the record with Job Change event (event reason: Extend temporary contract) has new effective date 9th Oct, 2021 (previously it was inserted with effective date 10th July, 2017).
For contingent workforce, we do not support any other event except "SCWK" and "Data Change" for Job Information records. At present the system allows other events to be used, but we'll have the issue when we try to shift the dates of work order and when an event other than Data Change exists for the contingent worker.
Currently there are two work arounds available:
- Use full purge on Job Information to correct the data for affected contingent workers.
- Business rule can be used to stop usage of Job Change event for contingent worker. Such rule works only if we are making a single user change through UI and not through imports/APIs. So if use case is just the changes through UI, go ahead with rule based solution.
The engineering team has confirmed that the issue will be fixed in b1711. If you continue to face the issue even after the release, please contact Cloud Product Support.
ECT-77633, Job Change, Work order, CWF, Imports, SFEC, SF EC, success factors, emp Centrl, empcrtl , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CWF , Contingent Workforce , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , Bug Filed