After legacy to MDF picklist migration, validation error below is shown when creating Leave of Absence time types:
"One of the required events for Leave of Absence is missing in the event picklist. Please make sure the absence start and absence end events are available and have the pre-defined external codes."
- SAP Successfactors Employee Central Time Off
- v12 / People Profile (PP3)
- MDF Picklist (post migration)
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Time Off Structures.
2. Create new leave of absence time type and save the changes. An error message is received.
Non-unique external codes for the LOA related event picklist values are not defined in the MDF picklist causing an issue since all picklist fields and pages within the application would no longer refer to the external codes post migration. See KBA 2504047 and 2328179.
NOTE: This can only occur if sync was disabled before the picklist migration process
Maintain non-unique external codes for Leave of Absence related picklist values in Admin Center > Picklist Center or via MDF Picklist Import.
See Also
2328179 - Legacy to MDF Picklist Migration General Information
2906608 - What is Picklist Migration?
2464855 - HRIS Sync stopped working for certain mappings after MDF Picklist Migration
Employee Central Master:
Employee Central Position Management:
Manage Pending Hires:
Contingent Workforce Management:
Time Type, Picklist Migration, Event, Event Reason, Leave of Absence, Return To Work, MDF Pickist, External Code, Non-Unique External Code, Picklist Center , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , LOD-SF-PLT , Platform Foundational Capabilities , LOD-SF-EC-MDF , MDF & EC2MDF Migration , LOD-SF-FWK-MDF , MDF Framework , Problem