It was added an image to a notification temaplte using the Insert Image option in the Notification Editor and it was provided the link of the image (e.g. from Google Drive). However, when the email is triggered to the users, the image doesn't load.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP SuccessFactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
In Learning Administration:
- Go to System Administration > Manage Email > Email Notification Template >
- Search for the template you want to add the image/logo to > open it in the edit mode >
- Go to the Message tab > click on Launch Editor link >
- Click on Insert Image link and provide the source path and dimensions > save the changes.
The link added to the template do not have any extension at the end of the link due to which it will not work. The image path should always end like .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
For images to load fine in the email you need to provide the full path with extension of the image, so place the file in a server where it can be accessed using full path. Example: http://www.******.com/image.png (where ****** is the server in which the image is stored in).
Follow the same steps mentioned in the above 'Reproducing the issue' section and update the Source in Insert Image option with full path.
IMPORTANT: The image URL being added to the notification template should be publicly hosted on the internet not just on the local system. It should be accessible without asking for any credentials. More details about it at 2258281
See Also
SAP Community: Images in LMS Emails
2258281 - Notifications: How to add an image using the new notification template editor
2157471 - Hosting Files on a SuccessFactors Server
sf, sfsf, successfactors, email, notification, template, editor, image, logo, link, doesn't load, loading, lms, learning , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-NOT , Notifications , Problem