“Time Sheet” approver role is not assigned to manager, whose data is replicated to workforce from EC via the standard integration pack “Packaged Integration: EC to Workforce EmpCenter - Employee”
Reproducing the Issue
- Hire an employee into the SFSF system
- At this point of time no direct reports are present for this employee
- Now, for an employee assign this newly hired employee as a Manager
- The master data of the employee gets changed, where as the Manager’s data remains unchanged
- When the interface is run, employee data is picked up and replicated. Manager data is not changed hence the time sheet approver role is still not assigned to Manager.
The reason is, under the Boomi mapping step we have the condition for “Manager_Type = TimeSheet Approver” only when Direct Reports > 0
Initially when the manager was replicated to WorkForce, the DirectReports had 0.
Direct Reports is a calculated field in the query and this will not modify the last modified date in the table when an employee is assigned to a manager.
Hence, when there is no change on the last modified for the Manager’s data, interface will not recognize the same and synchronize it to WorkForce
Please make some dummy changes to manager data, this should change the last modified on field on the database.
Interface recognizes the data and it sends the same to WorkForce.
Currently at this point of time DirectReports will have a number greater than 0 ensuring that the manager type will be sent to target system as TimeSheet Approver.
(If a report of managers who went from zero to a positive number of direct reports is required, please see KBA 2668636.)
TimeSheet Approver role
- Packaged Integration: EC to Workforce EmpCenter - Employee not assigning the manager "TimeSheet" approver role.