You are sending out E-Mail Campaigns, but no e-mails arrive on recipient side.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Prerequisite: You have created and executed an E-Mail Sales Campaign ABC (ABC represents the name) for a Target Group 123. The contacts of Target Group 123 have valid e-mail addresses.
- Go to the Sales Campaign work centre.
- Go to the Campaigns view.
- Open the relevant Sales Campaign ABC.
- You can see that it was successfully executed.
- Go to the Execution Details facet.
- The system says that the number of Contacted (sent e-mails) amounts to the expected contacts from the Target Group.
RESULT: None of the recipients receives the e-mail.
There are several possible causes. In order to rule out the most common causes, please check the following:
- The E-Mail and Fax settings in your system are set so that all e-mails are only sent to one address and or you did not maintain the domain.
- You did not maintain the DKIM.
- You did not request for Mass E-Mail to be activated for your tenant.
1. To change the E-Mail and Fax settings:
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Go to the Implementation Projects view.
- Open the relevant project ABC (ABC represents project name).
- Click the Open Activity List link.
- Search and open the Fine Tune activity E-Mail and Fax Settings.
- Open E-Mail and Fax Settings.
- Under the section Domain, maintain the domain as needed.
- Under the section E-Mail and Fax Delivery in a Non-Productive System -> E-Mail, select Send all e-mails to business partners.
2. To maintain the DKIM:
To activate the Mass E-Mail Features you must first adjust the Business Configuration (area E-Mail and Fax Settings > Activation of Mass E-Mail) accordingly. This also includes storing the public DKIM key in your domain name system (DNS). The public DKIM key and a description of how you add this can be found in the Documentation for Activation of Mass E-Mail. The documentation is in the fine tuning activity E-Mail and Fax Settings.
3. To request for Mass E-Mail to be activated for your tenant (this needs to be done for each tenant) you will need to first maintain the DKIM and then open an case with the SAP Cloud Product support providing us the following information:
What is the mailing type? Alarm/ News/ Updates? -
Who are the recipients? Customers? Partners? Interested people? -
Estimated mail volume per month? -
Tenant ID:
Mass E-mail, DKIM, Campaigns, Recipients , KBA , LOD-CRM-MKT-CAM , Campaigns , How To