The DSI connection to destination database crash with the following errors present in the errorlog of Replication Server
ERROR #21 DSI EXEC(277(2) DEST_SERVER.DEST_DB) - s/prslex.c(164)
Open server call to routine 'srv_langcpy' failed.
Open Server error: Error: 16132, State: 0, Severity 10 -- 'There is no current language command'.
ERROR #21 DSI EXEC(277(2) DEST_SERVER.DEST_DB) - s/prslex.c(164)
Open server call to routine 'srv_langcpy' failed.
ERROR #5035 DSI EXEC(277(2) DEST_SERVER.DEST_DB) - /dsiutil.c(4062)
Error from unpacker or parser. See previous message for more information.
ERROR #6025 DSI(277 DEST_SERVER.DEST_DB) - m/sqmext.c(4566)
Block consistency failed q 277:0, 1613618:19:0 0 contents q 0:0, 1613696:28:0 0. old=0.0
The DSI thread for database 'DEST_SERVER.DEST_DB' is shutdown.
The DSI thread can be restarted with command
resume connection to DEST_SERVER.DEST_DB
But after a while, it will go down again
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.6
srv_langcpy, 16132, language command, 21, Open server, 5035, unpacker, parser, Block consistency failed , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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