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2520447 - DB6: How to recreate the temporary tablespaces


You find the following temporary tablespaces are offline, or the temporaray tablespaces become full.
You want to recreate them.


For the offline status checks, run following command:

  • db2 list tablespaces show detail

 Tablespace ID                     = 1
 Name                                 = PSAPTEMP16
 Type                                 = System managed space
 Contents                             = System Temporary data
 State                                = 0x'00004000'
Detailed explanation:
 Tablespace ID                       = 2
 Name                                 = SYSTOOLSTMPSPACE
 Type                                 = System managed space
 Contents                             = User Temporary data
 State                                 = 0x'00004000'
 Detailed explanation:

  • Offline Example:

    You may get various errors due to this offline status. For example

    • Backup fails with SQL2048N Reason code: "6".
    • SQL1585N A temporary table could not be created because there is no available system temporary table space that has a compatible page size

  • Temporary tablespace full example:

    • SP update log (deploy_api.1.log)

      message="[jcc][103][10843][4.19.49] Non-recoverable chain-breaking exception occurred during batch processing.
      The batch is terminated non-atomically. ERRORCODE=-4225, SQLSTATE=null";
      SQL statement is "INSERT INTO "J2EE_CONFIGENTRY"("CID","NAMEHASH","NAME","DTYPE","FBLOB","ISFILE") VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)".
      [EXCEPTION] [jcc][103][10843][4.19.49] Non-recoverable chain-breaking exception occurred during batch processing. The batch is terminated non-atomically. ERRORCODE=-4225, SQLSTATE=null

    • db2diag.log:

      MESSAGE : ADM6017E The following table space is full.
      Table space name:"PSAPTEMP16".
      Table space identifier: "3". Container path:
      "/db2/<SID>/<temp_directory>/db2<SID>/NODE0000/<SID>/T0000003/C0000002.TMP". Container identifier: "2".



  • SAP on IBM Db2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
  • Database is using automatic storage


Offline, PSAPTEMP16, SYSTOOLSTMPSPACE, SQL1585N, recreate, SUM, upgrade, installation, ABAP, API, Deploy, J2EE_CONFIGENTRY, ERRORCODE=-4225, , KBA , offline , psaptemp16 , systoolstmpspace , sql1585n , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , BC-DB-DB6-DBA , Database Administration , How To

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