Product allocations have already been configured in the system, and a new one should also be configured.
A product allocation procedure have been created already (t-code OV1Z) and the product allocation object also (t-code OV2Z) without any problem.
However, when a new product allocation hierarchy is added in t-code OV3Z, the system issues the following error message::
- The step counter is empty for the discrete check against prod. allocation (Message No. VQ236)
The step counter is being changed to empty / blank as per the long text, although the system raises another error message:
- The info structure is already used for another method (Message No. VQ240)
- SAP ERP Sales and Distribution (SD)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
T190S-KOMTH, Kontingentierung, Kontingentierungsobjekt, Kontingentierungsschema, VQ236, VQ240, OV1Z, OV2Z, OV3Z, PAL, ATP, ATP consumption, product allocation procedure, product allocation object , KBA , SD-BF-AC-PAL , Check against Product Allocations , Problem
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