SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2522246 - Field with association keeps loading or is not correct filtering the values


Associated job information field is not displaying any value or is not filtering the values based on the association.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to My employee Files 
  2. Access Job Information portlet 
  3. Try to update the field department
  4. The values do not appear


Wrong association configuration.


Before troubleshooting you should be aware of the parent(first field to be selcted) and child field

  1. Install Firebug in your browser(mozilla or chrome)
  2. Navigate to job information page and locate the field to be checked
  3. Click Fire bug icon


  1.  A new window will get opened towards the bottom of the browser.Clear the console clicking clear button

Fire Clear.png

  1. Click the field which is throwing error or which is not filtering properly. When clicking in the field firebug console starts loading the logs. It will display 2 post statements. You will need to click the first post statement ending with .dwr and then click the post tab


  1. Scroll down and check the line with the keyword "reference". All the generic objects or foundation objects associated to this field will get displayed in the reference section.In below screenshot department is associated to company and division.


  1. Now check the association configuration
  2. Navigate to the object definition of the child object. Child object is the object which is getting filtered and parent object is the object which we select first

Here in above example: Company  and division are the parent and department is the child, this way we need to navigate to object definition of department.

    1. Admin center-->Configure object definition
    2. Search the object department
    3. Scroll down and check the association section.


  1. Check whether field criteria is maintained for both objects.Field criteria should be maintained in respective field of the child object in job information portlet. Changes can be performed via XML or business configuration.
    1. Navigate to Admin center----->manage business configuration
    2. job info ---->department
    3. click details---->Scroll down to Field criteria section---->Fill Destination field value and source field name


  • How to get destination and source field name

Destination Field Value
Destination field value is the field id of parent object in job information portlet.Here parent objects are Division and Legal entity. Field id  for Division object in job info is "division" and legal entitiy is "company".Make sure that you are entering the id of the field and not the label and is case sensitive.
Source Field Name
Source field name is the association name. Check the screenshot in step 8.
Association name for Division is cust_toDivision and association name for Legal Entity is cust_toLegalEntity
Now copy this name and add it in Source field name for respective field. An extension needs to be added to the name.
Following extensions can be added based on the configuration.

    • internalId - If parent is MDF object then add internalId after the dot symbol . In above example cust_toDivision.internalId
    • externalCode - If parent is Foundation Object add externalCode
    • mdfSystemInternalCode - If parent is Custom MDF add mdfSystemInternalCode
  • How to determine which extension to be added

Navigate to the Parent Object Definition----->Check the name of the data base field internalCode. In below screenshot its mdfSystemInternalCode.Copy this and paste it after dot symbol under Source field name

  1. Make sure that parent filed(first field to be selected) is placed above child field in job information portlet.

See Also

  • 2287729 - Employee Central - Object Association FAQ
  • 2315265 - Employee Central - Foundation Objects


Association, not working, Filtering, Application error clicking job information field, field criteria , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-JOB , Job Information , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions