You are adding a URL to the design of the survey and you get an error as Please enter a valid logo URL
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Survey Work center
- Open the Survey XYZ (where XYZ is the ID of the Survey)
- Go to Design Facet
- Enter the URL for Logo in the right side pane
- Select Apply
You will see that there is an error Please enter a valid logo URL.
We check the URL against the regular expression
[ /^https?:\/\/(?:[a-z\-]+\.)+[a-z]{2,6}(?:\/[^\/#?]+)+\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)$/ ] which checks as below,
1. The url has to start with either http:// or https://
2. After this it validates for only alphabets , as an example www. or m. ( basically only alphabets)
3. Then the website path and
4. The url has to end with either jpeg/gif/png
5. URL should be directed towards an available public space
If the URL entered is not meeting the criteria , then the system will give the error.
This is the expected system behavior and you need to ensure that URL used would match the regular expression.
KBA , valid , design , survey , logo , LOD-LE-SUR-DEF , Survey definition = design time , How To