Attempting to view and refresh a Lumira document based on "Query with SQL" option from the Business Intelligence (BI) Platform causes an error.
- Configured JDBC driver according to the BI Platform Data Access guide
- Other document formats (Crystal Reports for Enterprise, Web Intelligence) based on the same Oracle JDBC connection refresh successfully.
- Lumira Server logs show the following errors:
ENTER [unknown|unknown|ID:0]{com.businessobjects.connectionserver.Environment}.CreateJob:
connectionString "ConnectionString[Error on generating traces]"
networkLayer "JDBC"
dataBase "Oracle 11"
EXCEPTION [unknown|unknown|ID:0]{com.businessobjects.connectionserver.Environment}.CreateJob: [] oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver. Database: Oracle 11
Call to service 'createFHSQLConnection' failed - The following error occurs when providing the credentials to the database: "Unable to connect. Check your data access driver"
SAP Lumira 1.0, server version for the SAP BusinessObjects BI Platform (LS4BIP), version 1.25 and above
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.x
- Supported Oracle JDBC data sources
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP Lumira 1.0, server version for the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform
bi, bip, boe, bi41, bi4, 4.1, bobi, bobj, lum, srv, ls4bip, team, server, java, db, conn, connect, access, sql, relational, data, base, rdbms, can, not, can't, unable, failed, error, issue, defect, bug, working, fix, generic jdbc, oracle, sap, oracle12, oracle11, ojdbc, ojdbc6, ojdbc7, oraclepki, jar, sbo, oracle.sbo, data access, check driver, fhsql, freehand sql, free hand, , KBA , BI-LUM-SRV-ADM , Lumira Server BI Platform Admin, Auth, Security , Problem
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