Running db2iupgrade fails when configuring instance:
ERROR: An error occurred while configuring the instance "db2<sid>"
This occurs even though the pre-upgrade check ( db2ckupgrade ) was successful.
- In the Db2 Setup log file the following is found:
Existing instances to configure:
Instance name: db2<sid>
Instance user information:
User name: db2<sid>
Fenced user information:
User name: db2<sid>
Setting default global profile registry variables :.......Success
Initializing instance list :.......Success
ERROR: An error occurred while configuring the instance "db2<sid>".
Configuring DB2 instances :.......Failure
Updating global profile registry :.......Success -
If the db2iupgrade call was made with -d option ( debug ) the following may be found in the generated .trc file:
30164 |||||||||||||||||||||||/ 4160501536 IServiceFile::validate ENTRY Fri Aug 11 15:14:55 2017 -- ,
30165 |||||||||||||||||||||||| 4160501536 IServiceFile::validate 3 -DATA- , STRING = DB2_db2<sid>_1
30166 |||||||||||||||||||||||| 4160501536 IServiceFile::validate 5 -DATA- , INT64 = 60001
30167 ||||||||||||||||||||||||/ 4160501536 IServiceFile::getServiceEntry1 ENTRY Fri Aug 11 15:14:55 2017 -- ,
30168 ||||||||||||||||||||||||| 4160501536 IServiceFile::getServiceEntry1 20 -DATA- , STRING = DB2_db2<sid>_1
30169 |||||||||||||||||||||||||/ 4160501536 iPrepareServicesRecord ENTRY Fri Aug 11 15:14:55 2017 -- ,
30170 |||||||||||||||||||||||||\ 4160501536 iPrepareServicesRecord EXIT Fri Aug 11 15:14:55 2017 -- , INT = 0
30171 ||||||||||||||||||||||||\ 4160501536 IServiceFile::getServiceEntry1 EXIT Fri Aug 11 15:14:55 2017 -- , INT = 0
30172 |||||||||||||||||||||||| 4160501536 IServiceFile::validate 40 -ERROR- , INT = 60002
30173 |||||||||||||||||||||||\ 4160501536 IServiceFile::validate EXIT Fri Aug 11 15:14:55 2017 -- , INT = 5119
30174 ||||||||||||||||||||||| 4160501536 IServiceFile::addService 20 -ERROR- , INT = 5119
port range , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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