- Slow performance while hiring new onboarding candidates in EC using manage pending hires.
- Wait times are high when filling in various portlets during hiring of an onboarding candidates.
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central
Reproducing the Issue
- Log into your instance
- From Admin Center, open the "manage pending hires" tool
- Choose the onboarding section/tab
- Select an onboaring candidate to hire.
- Fill in the needed fields and navigate/continue to next portlet (Personal information, Job information portlets etc).
- You may notice when you navigate to next portlet that it takes some time to load the particular section (common portlet thas has this issue is Job info portlet).
- The slow load may be related on how the mapping is defined in the Onboarding Mapping Template (XML)
- Below is an example of common mapping for some fields in the job info section/porlet:
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="DivCode"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid=""/>
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="cust_CostCenter"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.cost-center"/>
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="LocNumber"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.location"/>
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="Cust_PositionNumber"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.position"/>
- Allthough the above is a supported mapping and will work fine, it is not a performance friendly mapping especially when you have large amount of data (Field values) for those specific fields.
- To enhance perforrmance and improve load times, it is recommend to use the .[code] attribute with your mappngs.
- below are examples of the improved mappings:
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="DivCode"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.[code].company"/>
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="cust_CostCenter"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.[code].cost-center"/>
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="LocNumber"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.[code].location"/>
<source multi-valued="false" entity-type="JobReq" refid="Cust_PositionNumber"/>
<target country-code="" variant="" refid="jobInfo.[code].position"/>
- The usage of .[code] attrbute tells the system that the value passed is a code id and therefore the matching/search will be done on a smaller subset of data. Without this additional attribute the search would be done on codes/id's and labels, which can be taxing if you have large amounts of data.
See Also
2507544 - Employee Central - Troubleshooting Recruiting and Onboarding to Employee Central Integrations
JIRA ECT-73762, performance, enhance, mapping, ONB , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-INT , Manage Pending Hires (Integration RCM/ ONB/ OBX + UI) , How To