You have created the Purchase Order XXX (XXX represents the Purchase Order ID) on dd-mm-yyyy.
You have made changes to this Purchase Order on dd+1-mm-yyyy.
You expect all the data entered to be reflected in the Changes tab of the Purchase Order, including the initial data.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Purchase Requests and Orders work center.
- Go to Purchase Orders.
- Show All Purchase Orders.
- Find XXX.
- Select Edit.
- Go to the Changes Tab.
You can see the data recorded starts on dd+1-mm-yyyy. You expect data from the Purchase Order creation on to appear.
The Changes Tab only contains data entered after the first Save of the document. No data entered before that first Save is recorded. This is valid for all Business Documents.
This is expected system behaviour.
KBA , AP-PRP , Purchase Request Processing , How To