- Add-on installer [or repair of any BI install] appears to finish but fails to complete or states 'has encountered errors during the install process'
- Update installer failure [Support package or Patch]: After patching, the installer appears to finish but multiple services fail to start of run with errors.
- In case of Add-on install failure [Lumira or Design Studio or Analysis Office add-on for BIP] : After installing , the install appears to be successful but some menu items are missing or services like the Adaptive Processing Server (APS) run with errors.
- For example, after installing Design Studio 1.6 SP4, in the Central Management Console (CMC), the APS is running with errors due to the Analysis Application service failure.
- Although the installer appears to succeed, errors can be seen while viewing or refreshing the updated or add-on content.
- The installer script was not able to connect to the CMS & all the retries failed.
Logging into <HOST>:6400 as user Administrator with secEnterprise authentication...
Sleeping for 5 second(s)...
ERROR: Could not reach CMS '<HOST>:6400'. Specify the correct host and port and check for network issues. (FWM 20030) - Upon checking the <installdir>/setup/packagestemp folder, there are many *.dfo.xml files (system objects) which were not uploaded or deployed by the installer (note that having a small number of dfo's left for a BI patch/SP update is normal)
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 & 4.2 (all Support Packages & Patches)
- SAP Design Studio add-on for BI Platform (all supported versions eg: 1.5 & 1.6 )
- SAP Analysis Office add-on for BI Platform (all supported versions )
- SAP Lumira add-on for BI Platform (all supported versions)
All supported operating systems
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.2 ; SAP Lumira 1.0, server version for the SAP BusinessObjects BI platform ; SAP Lumira, server edition 2.0
SAPBI, BIP, BI Platform, Analysis Office, AO, Design Studio, DS, AD, Lumira, Add-on, Install, repair, fail, running with errors, 4.1, 4.2, addnode, deployfiles, DFO, XML, packagestemp, temporary, cms, multiple, NIC, adapter, FWM, 20030, connect, biinst, tskba , KBA , biinst , fwm 20030 , multiple nics , install failure , repair , sap bi , tskba , addnode , deployfiles , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem
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