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2524763 - How to make Keywords be searched as you type in Productcockpit


In Productcockpit, user can assign keywords to Product. The editor supports auto complete functionality, but the auto complete search does not work properly. When user start typing, a list of values is shown, but they are not corresponding to what is entered in the editor. This makes the operation not very efficient if there are a huge number of keywords in the system.

In this KBA, you would know how to make keywords be searched as you type in Productcockpit.



All hybris versions


SAP Hybris Commerce 6.0 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.1 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.2 ; SAP Hybris Commerce 6.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.0.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.0.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce 5.7 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.2 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.3 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.4 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.5-1 ; SAP hybris Commerce Suite 5.6 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.0 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.1 ; hybris Commerce Suite 5.1.1


Productcockpit, keyword, auto complete, ui configuration, base, simple search , KBA , CEC-SCC-CDM-CKP-APP , Applications , How To

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