- ALTER REMOTE SOURCE SOURCE_ RESUME CAPTURE; Could not execute 'ALTER REMOTE SOURCE SOURCE_ RESUME CAPTURE' in 511 ms 700 µs . SAP DBTech JDBC: [256]: sql processing error: RESUME CAPTURE: SOURCE_: Failed to execute resume capture on remote source SOURCE_ exception 151061: CDC resume remote source failed: NullPointerException while processing request "CDC Request for OracleLogReaderAdapter of type MDS_OPEN"
- Framework.trc:
- [ERROR] OracleLogReaderAdapter - [SOURCE_] Attempted to open a new AdapterCDC instance in CDC means for remote source [SOURCE_]. But there already exists in the system a running one opened at <timestamp> for the remote source.
- SAP HANA Smart Data Integration
- Oracle LogReader Adapter
SAP HANA 1.0 smart data integration ; SAP HANA smart data integration 2.0
han-dp-sdi, eim, data provisioning, replication , KBA , HAN-DP-SDI , SAP HANA smart data integration (SDI) , Problem
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