Click on the Link (URL) available in the Notification , Redirected to ONB page where error message is shown : This wizard is not been completed. Please return later to complete.
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Reproducing the Issue
Triggered a notification.
Click on the link available in the notification
Error page is displayed
Configuration issue
1. As error message says , Wizard has not been completed. Check the Wizard name defined in the notification.
2. Now, navigate to ONB => Settings => Panels => All Wizards => select the Wizard here and expand it by clicking on + button
3. Check if there is any panel defined here or not. Wizard must have panels inside.
Correct this by adding panels here or select any other correct wizard in Notification.
This wizard is not been completed. Please return later to complete.
Wizard not completed
Empty wizard
No panel under wizard
wizard is not been completed , KBA , LOD-SF-OBD-EML , Emails and Notifications , Problem