Database installation failed for Pre-requisite Checks with the following information:
This is a prerequisite condition to test whether the OS kernel parameter xxx is properly set.
Expected Value: Current=xxx; Configured=xxx
Actual Value : Current=xxx; Configured=unknown
You may also find following error in trace as an example:
INFO: INFO: Error Message:PRVG-1201 : OS kernel parameter "shmmni" does not have proper value on node "dev-erp-db-01" [Expected = "4096" ; Current = "4096"; Configured = "unknown"].
- DB: Oracle Database and later
- OS: Linux
PRVG-1201, Pre-requiste Checks, OS kernel parameter, Configured, unknown, /etc/sysctl.conf, prerequisite condition, Expected Value, Actual Value, Current , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-INS , Installation SAP System , Problem
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