SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2525301 - Competency Library Filter in CDP with Multiple Translations


Is it possible to have configure a Competency Library Filter in CDP if the Library has multiple translations?


Career Development Planning

Job Profile Builder

Reproducing the Issue

Below XML code was configured on Development Plan template:

    <exclude type="forms"/>
    <exclude type="roles"/>
    <include type="library" match="Behavioral"/>
    <include type="library" match="Knowledge"/>

The <include type="library" match="[library name]"/> competency filtering does not  support library name translations because system only support the name in one language in template. So for customers with different / multiple locale in different language, the filter may not work because they are using localized library name.



BizX only support the library and category name in one language in template.


As a workaround, you can modify the template and include Spanish library name translation for Behavioral which is Comportamiento:
    <exclude type="forms"/>
    <exclude type="roles"/>
    <include type="library" match="Behavioral"/>
    <include type="library" match="Knowledge"/>
    <include type="library" match="Comportamiento"/>

You can also do that to category name.


As of b1708, it is now supported when customer change the user locale (options->change language), the companies can be filter out according to the corresponding library . Which means that when user configure competency filter match category or library in default language, when the user change the user locale, the competency filter will still work and help to filter out the competency in user locale.
precondition the competencies has to have values in default language and target language both, otherwise, it will not be filtered out when change language in target language.
For JDM1.0 it is not going to suport multiple language library. This behavior will be retained and the workaround needs to be applied. Also for customer that switched back from JDM2.0 to JDM1.0 will not be supported.

Reference: CDP-5307

See Also

2259810 - Competency filters in Career Development Planning


Competency Filters Competency Library name translation Category name translation , KBA , LOD-SF-CDP-FAM , Competencies, Behaviors, Families and Roles , LOD-SF-TIH-JPB , Job Profile Builder , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1605 ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1608 ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1702 ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1708 ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1711