In the srvlog & stderr, the following error messages were logged when running 'start_iq' command.
[ .srvlog ]
I. 08/21 15:19:53. Minimum cache size: 49152K, maximum cache size: 262144K
I. 08/21 15:19:53. Using a maximum page size of 4096 bytes
E. 08/21 15:19:53. Cannot access "v2": file does not exist
I. 08/21 15:19:53. Database server shutdown due to startup error
[ .stderr ]
Starting server on vmprod at port (08/21 15:19:51)
Run Directory : /sybase
Server Executable : /sybase/IQ-15_4/bin64/iqsrv15
Server Output Log : /sybase/IQ-15_4/logfiles/.0003.srvlog
Server Version : 7
Open Client Version : N/A
User Parameters : 'v2'
Default Parameters : -c 48m -gc 20 -gd all -gl all -gm 10 -gp 4096 -ti 4400 -gn 25
SAP IQ 15.x
SAP IQ 16.x
SAP IQ, IQ, start_iq, v2, cannot access , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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