A Fiori application is failing to connect to the expected Gateway backend when the application security profile has two SAPSSO2 Generators for two different backend Gateways.
- The application is intended to only connect to one backend gateway.
- The SMP server log shows 2 SSO tokens being generated: SSO2 ticket for user: [<userName>] with issueId:<IssueIDofSMP>, issueissueClientId:000, recipientID:<SIDofBackend1>, recipientClient:<ClientOfBackend1>, ticketValidity:59. | SSO2 ticket for user: [<userName>] with issueId:<IssueIDofSMP>, issueissueClientId:000, recipientID:<SIDofBackend2>, recipientClient:<ClientOfBackend2>, ticketValidity:59.
SAP Mobile Platform (SMP) OData server 3.0
- Two different backend Gateway systems (might be Development and QA)
- Two different SAPSSO2 Generators.
SMP SSO2, 401, mysapsso2, logon ticket , KBA , MOB-ONP-SEC , SAP Mobile On Premise Security , Problem
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