You are not sure when to run report RFFMDELOBSIND or RFFMAVCDELOBSIND and what are the results of each one.
You have invalid entries in index table FMBASIDX which point to an invalid object in table FMBASOBJNR.
You are getting error "BUBAS011 - Object number xx not yet assigned (table FMBASOBJNR)" and you have implemented all existent correction notes for this error.
- Financial Accounting (FI)
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
- PSM-FM Add-On is active (transaction SFW5, EA-PS is on) for this system/client
RFFMDELOBSIND, RFFMAVCDELOBSIND, control objects, posting addresses, posting address, control object, bcs, OBJNR, FMBASOBJNR, BUBAS_OBJNR, BUBAS011, BUBAS 011, FMBASOBJNR, Object number xx not yet assigned (table FMBASOBJNR), R_OBJNR, S_OBJNR, S_LDNR, FMBASIDX, FMAVCR01, FMAVCR02, FMCEMON01 , KBA , PSM-FM-BCS , Budget Control System , PSM-FM-BCS-BU , Budgeting , PSM-FM-BCS-AC , Availability Control , Problem
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