From the document flow of a phone call activity, you can see duplicate tickets (more than 1) were created at almost the same time.
Nomally, when you do the action ‘Convert to new ticket’ from a phone call, only one ticket should be created. Then the ‘Convert to new ticket’ action will show as grey out.
Now you are wondering how the duplicate tickets were created from one phone call.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Activities work center.
- Go to Phone Calls work center view.
- Find and open the phone call AAA. (AAA represents the phone call ID)
- Go to Document Flow tab.
- Now in the Document Flow page, you can see 2 or more tickets are created from the phone call AAA.
When you do 'Convert to new ticket' action from a phone call, in the new ticket creation screen, you clicked 'Save and New' button. Then a second new ticket were created from the same phone call and you saved this second ticket.
Due to this action, duplicate tickets created from the same phone call.
To avoid this issue happening, make sure when you convert a phone call to a new ticket, click the ‘Save and Open’ or ‘Save’ button in the ticket creation screen.
If you click the ‘Save and new’ button and save the second ticket as well, then this issue happens.
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