When you are over Budget on a Variable pay worksheet you are able to save/route the worksheet when specifically using Allow Save On Exceed=”No” within the plans Budget rule settings.
Variable Pay
The Variable Pay budget rule when configured in this way will acknowledge the “Allow Exceed=warn” however it will not trigger the “Allow On Exceed=No”.
For example:
- Allow Exceed = "Warn“, Allow Save On Exceed = "No" --> Will display warning message, on clicking "OK”, We can save the worksheet along with routing to next step.
- Allow Exceed = "No“, Allow Save On Exceed = "No" --> We are not able to save worksheet and cannot route to next step.
**Please note: this is also documented within the SuccessFactors DTD for partners**
If you do not want worksheets to be saved and routed while over budget, the budget rules need to be configured as follows.
- Allow Exceed=”Disallow”
- Allow Save On Exceed=”No”
Below is a screenshot example.
Varibale Pay, Budget Rule Settings, Allow Exceed , KBA , LOD-SF-VRP-BUD , Budget setup, budget planning, data etc. , How To