The Agent Admin UI in SAP Host Agent tab shows message:
- Host Agent version cannot be checked
The details of the error shows: Webservice invocation error during the trusted connection configuration occured on Binding Provider JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6: Stub for http://<hostname>:1128/SAPHostControl.cgi |
The following picture describes the issue:
In the SMDAgentApplication.log the following details are found:
Exception calling SAP Host Control WS: [EXCEPTION] Webservice invocation error during the trusted connection configuration occured on Binding Provider JAX-WS RI 2.1.6 in JDK 6: Stub for http://<hostname>:1128/SAPHostControl.cgi Caused by: Cannot establish connection to SAP Host agent webservice. (Cannot check the version of SAP Host agent cause by Cannot establish connection to SAP Host agent webservice. (The wsdl url of JAX WS return an error code 500 ,url: http://<hostname>:1128/SAPHostControl/?wsdl)) |
Finally, when testing the SAPHostControl web service using the browser the following content is returned. The SAPHostControl web service can be tested using the URL below.
- http://<affected_host>:1128/SAPHostControl/?wsdl
HTTP Status: 500/Internal Server Error |
- SAP Solution Manager 7.10 and 7.20
- SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics
Diagnostics Agent SAP Host Agent connection , KBA , BC-CCM-HAG , Host Agent , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-AGT , Agent Framework , Problem
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