SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2529004 - User Connector - SF exception: Term Date cannot be in the future


User Connector - SF throws an exception for future termination dates for active users.

Term Date cannot be in the future. Term Date:MM/DD/YYYY


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Input file has been created >
  2. User Connector - SF runs >
  3. Some records are rejected >
  4. Upon "View Results", the exception is shown >
  5. The users with the exception weren't created/updated


Ideally, when the user records are active in the feed file that is being processed by the User Connector - SF, the termination date regardless of being past or future should be ignored.

But it may throw exceptions that the termination date cannot be in the future for active users (when the term date being provided is in the future). There is no particular cause that is identified here.

The issue might also happen for new users being created through the connector.


As per our Product Management, we do not support future termination dates. If there are any exceptions as mentioned above, the date being added to the input file needs to be corrected.


Term date in future, user connector sf, user connector, exceptions, Term Date cannot be in the future, term date, termination date , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CON , Connectors , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions