Error "Status change is not possible: check was unsuccessful" when trying to change the status of a Specification
- Error message /PLMI/BO_SPC_SAM008 "Precondition check "Not used as primary output spec. in active recipe" failed due to X referencing objects" when trying to change the status of a Specification
- Status of Recipe is set to Obsolete
- Specification is the Primary Specification of a Recipe
- The status profile does not have any preconditions set which stop you changing the Specification status to Obsolete
SAP ERP Recipe Development on PLM Web UI (PLM-WUI-RCP)
Msg , GET_RECIPES_BY_PO_SPEC , /PLMB/CL_RCP_DB_ACCESS========CP , MODIFY_AUTO_PRECONDITION , /PLMI/CL_SPC_SAM_RCP_USAGE_CHKCP , STATUS , DEL_IND , inactive , usage , attached , , KBA , precondition check , delete , obsolete , PLM-WUI-APP-SAM , Status and Action Management , PLM-WUI-RCP , Recipe Development , How To
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