Attribute firstReplicationStartTimeSinceLastSuccess - Time stamp of the first notification after the last successful confirmation in Data Replication Monitor (DRM)
The attribute firstReplicationStartTimeSinceLastSuccess describes the time stamp of the first Notification after the last successful confirmation in DRM. In the case of following confirmations with status “FAILED”(in DRM), this field allows to monitor the duration since when the replication failed and since when the employee data is out of sync.
There are two prerequisites:
- The time stamp filled into the field firstReplicationStartTimeSinceLastSuccess is only taken from notifications.
- Only confirmations with status “SUCCESSFUL” delete or change the value.
Integration Center, Data Replication Monitor, DRM, b1708 Release, 1708, firstReplicationStartTimeSinceLastSuccess , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-DRM , Data Replication Monitor , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , How To
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