You have set up user assistance plugin according to the installation guide.
When calling one of the "test" URLs mentioned in the UI Guide:
- /sap/dfa/help/odata.svc/?$format=json
- /resources/sap/dfa/help/sap/cfg/XrayBootstrapHelpConfig.json
the web dispatcher returns an HTTP 503 "Service unavailable".
Looking at the web dispatcher´s trace file (dev_webdisp), the following has been logged:
[Thr 140606118606592] SSL_get_state()==0x2131 "TLS read server certificate B"
[Thr 140606118606592] *** ERROR during secussl_read() from SSL_read()==SSL_ERROR_SSL
[Thr 140606118606592] cli SSL session PSE "/usr/sap/<SID>/<Instance>/sec/SAPSSLC.pse"
[Thr 140606118606592] session ciphersuites=HIGH:MEDIUM:+e3DES:!aNULL
[Thr 140606118606592] Client SSL_CTX 7fe16c076a20 pvflags = 128 (TLSv1.0)
[Thr 140606118606592] secussl_read: SSL_read() failed (536872221/0x2000051d)
[Thr 140606118606592] => "Failed to verify peer certificate. Peer not trusted."
[Thr 140606118606592] >> ---------- Begin of Secu-SSL Errorstack ---------- >>
[Thr 140606118606592] 0x2000051d | SAPCRYPTOLIB | SSL_read
[Thr 140606118606592] SSL API error
[Thr 140606118606592] Failed to verify peer certificate. Peer not trusted.
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl3_read_bytes
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl3_connect
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl3_get_server_certificate
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl3_decode_server_certificate
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl_verify_peer_certificates
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl_cert_checker_verify_certificates
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] 0xa0600203 | SSL | ssl_cert_checker_verify_certificates
[Thr 140606118606592] Peer not trusted
[Thr 140606118606592] Certificate:
[Thr 140606118606592] Certificate:
[Thr 140606118606592] Subject: CN=*, OU=SAP Cloud Managed Services, O=SAP SE, L=Walldorf, SP=Baden-Wuerttemberg, C=DE
[Thr 140606118606592] Issuer: CN=Verizon Public SureServer CA G14-SHA2, OU=Cybertrust, O=Verizon Enterprise Solutions, L=Amsterdam, C=NL
[Thr 140606118606592] Serial Number: 14:F9:ED:34:F5:E8:CC:5E:BC:AA:B8:B4:49:3F:96:32:C2:03:6E:28
[Thr 140606118606592] Verification result:
[Thr 140606118606592] Status: Not successful
[Thr 140606118606592] SignerStatus: Not successful
[Thr 140606118606592] SignerVerificationResult:
[Thr 140606118606592] Status: Not successful
[Thr 140606118606592] Validity: Successful
[Thr 140606118606592] BasicConstraints: Successful
[Thr 140606118606592] KeyUsage: Successful
[Thr 140606118606592] ObjectStatus: Not successful
[Thr 140606118606592] SignerCert:
[Thr 140606118606592] Certificate:
[Thr 140606118606592] Subject: CN=Verizon Public SureServer CA G14-SHA2, OU=Cybertrust, O=Verizon Enterprise Solutions, L=Amsterdam, C=NL
[Thr 140606118606592] Issuer: CN=Baltimore CyberTrust Root, OU=CyberTrust, O=Baltimore, C=IE
[Thr 140606118606592] Serial Number: 07:27:A6:61
[Thr 140606118606592] Verification result:
[Thr 140606118606592] Status: Not successful
[Thr 140606118606592] SignerStatus: Not successful
[Thr 140606118606592] SignerVerificationResult: None
[Thr 140606118606592] << ---------- End of Secu-SSL Errorstack ----------
Fiori Launchpad
"user assistance" "peer not trusted" fiori plugin , KBA , KM-SEN-CMP , SAP Companion former known as Web Assistant , BC-CST-WDP , Web Dispatcher , Problem
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