After navigating to Reprocess Bank Item Details in Reprocess Bank Statement Items Fiori application using Internet Explorer, there is a pop-up with text of 'Can not load metadata' which only happens once and doesn't occur again till we refresh the page or open/close the browser.
In console:
failed to load 'sap/se/mi/plm/lib/attachmentservice/attachment/Component-preload.js' from /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/plm_ath_cres1/~1F8C540D1B0D2EE9E6F62119B17E84EA~5/attachment/Component-preload.js: 404 - NOT FOUND caused by: undefined
sap/se/mi/plm/lib/attachmentservice/attachment/view/Attachment.controller.js' returned no content, but should be exported - sap.ui.ModuleSystem
- SAP Fiori Launchpad
- S/4HANA 1511
- S/4HANA 1610
SAP Fiori Launchpad, Reprocess Bank Statement Items, Internet Explorer, Odata, service, Component-preload.js, 404, pop-up, "Can not load metadata", Attachment.controller.js , KBA , CA-UI2-INT-FE , Please use CA-FLP-FE-COR , Problem
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