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2530450 - Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_X in program CL_RSBK_REQUEST_STATE when loading classic DSO


You are facing the following dump when loading a classic DSO:

Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
ABAP Program           CL_RSBK_REQUEST_STATE=========CP
Application Component  BW-WHM-DST

(You can get the DTP name from the dump under 'G_VARIANT' section.)

Also, when trying to access the Monitor log for the DTP or "Manage" option in DSO context menu the following dump is raised:

Category               ABAP Programming Error
Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
ABAP Program           CL_RSBM_LOG_DTP_DP============CP
Application Component  BW-WHM-DST



SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 7.3

SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 7.4

SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse 7.5


SAP NetWeaver 7.3 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5


l_s_header-timestamp_lock, n_requid, cx_rs_not_found, INST_DP_FOR_UI, GET_LOG, MESSAGE x299, RSBK299, RSBK 299, RSBK, 299. , KBA , BW-WHM-DST-DTP , Data Transfer Process , Problem

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