Previous version of a revised Item cannot be found in the Library.
SAP Successfactors Learning
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a new revision for an existing item.
- Choose to not inactivate the previous revision.
- Search for that item in the Library. User only finds the new revision.
It is a normal system behavior to show only the new item revision to ensure that only the most recent one is accessible for users.
In Learning Administration side, it's possible to see that the Libraries were automatically removed from the previous version.
Instead of revising the items, please evaluate the option to create a copy of it.
User Assistance guide (SAP Help Portal link) about this process:
See Also
SAP Help Portal: Revising a Learning Item
2300607 - Assignment Profiles not updating free-floating items after new item revision is created
2200538 - New Item connector revision setting b1505 turns old items inactive
2294666 - Learning: Item not found in Catalog search post deletion of a revision
item, revision, revise, old, obsolete, catalog, learning plan, learning, search, inactive, active, not found, item revision, new, new revision , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-ITE , Items , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , Problem