You are trying to define the sales order number range start with a number below then 9000000000 without success. Error message "Update for from number APCRM1_LEAN_SO_IN failed; interval is already in use" might appear for you during this.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Select Implementation Projects view.
- Click in Open Activity List hyperlink.
- Search and open Sales Order fine-tuning activity.
- Click in Maintain Number Range hyperlink.
- In the Begin Number column insert a number below 9000000000.
You notice that system does not allow this, showing you the message "Update for from number APCRM1_LEAN_SO_IN failed; interval is already in use".
Sales Order and Sales Quote both share a common number range object internally:
Sales Quote uses the interval from 0000000001 to 8999999999;
Sales Order number range can start only from 9000000000.
If you need the Sales Order number range begin number below 9000000000, you may contact your implementation manager to help with such request
If you are a partner: please use or the Partnerfinder
An alternative you may submit an idea:
KBA , number range , sales oder number range , LOD-CRM , Cloud for Customer , How To