In an AFS environment, you have the following scenario:
You create a Sales Order and you enter the VAS data under the AFS Document Header tab, or you create the Sales Order originally with VAS data.
You expect the Sold-To Party is an editable field in the Sales Order, but it is not.
The same is applicable, if the MSO Customer is being used.
- SAP ERP Release Independent
- IS-AFS (Apparel & Footwear Solution) Release Independent
VAS Data, Special service, Packing, Ticketing/Labelling, J_3AVATL, J_3ATLTYP, J_3AVAP, J_3APTYP, J_3AVASSO, J_3ASSTYP, J_3A_FIELD_MODIFICATION, SAPMJ3AS , KBA , IS-AFS , Apparel and Footwear , IS-AFS-SD , AFS Sales and Distribution , How To
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