The following error occurs while assigning task to the role in cproject:
Role Project Manager: Dates are outside the validity period of the calendar
Message No. DPR_SHARED208
If you schedule Role 'Project Manager', it would have dates that lie outside of the validity period of the calendar.
System Response
The system does not carry out scheduling.
Check the set dates and duration of the project elements for their correctness.
Procedure for System Administration
If the dates are correct then extend the validity period of the factory calendar.
- SAP Resource and Portfolio Management (PPM-PFM)
- SAP cProject Suite (PPM-PRO)
- SAP Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
- SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HANA (PPM)
- SAP Fiori for SAP Portfolio and Project Management (PPM-FIO)
- SAP Fiori for SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HA (PPM-FIO)
distribution, project mangager, DPR_SHARED208, DPR_SHARED 208, cproject, resource, staffing, factory calendar, public calendar , KBA , PPM-PRO , Project Management , PPM-PRO-RES , Resources , How To
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