Error-Messages "Object has already been deleted" and "No determining item selected; dependency cannot be saved" are displayed - when creating an Item Dependency. The user cannot proceed on the Create Dependency Screen as the window is closed.
SAP Portfolio and Project Management 6.1
Elementabhängigkeit, Elementabhängigkeitsmanagement, Abhängigkeiten, Portfolioelement, Beziehungen, bestimmende Elemente, anlegen, "No determining item selected; dependency cannot be saved", "Kein bestimmendes Elem. ausgewählt; Beziehung kann nicht gesichert werden", /RPM/CL_RELATION_O, /RPM/IF_COMMON~SAVE_CHECK, INM_SDC_PPM_OBJECTS, COMPONENTCONTROLLER, PROCESS_EVENT, Window will be closed due to unexpected error(s). , KBA , PPM-PFM , Portfolio Management , Problem
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