During a Software Update Manager (SUM) upgrade the queue calculation in phase PREP_EXTENSION/ADDON_QCALC, the upgrade asks for a component (for example, GRCPINW). The similar error is shown:
Last error code set:
Queue calculation failed since ADDons are missing
*ERROR:* The program is unable to generate the Add-On queue due to missing
Add-Ons or Support Packages.
Repeat the current step and change the Add-On selection.
Missing Add-On(s):
The component is not listed as part of the stack file that was provided to SUM.
ABAP system, Netweaver, Enhancement Package Installation, Release Upgrade
SAP NetWeaver all versions
ADDON_QCALC, Maintenance Planner, LMDB, SUM, queue calculation, GRCPINW , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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