SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2542467 - Error: ID Mapping for Mapping of Product Categories to Material Groups Missing During Replication from ERP to BYD


You are replicating Product Categories from ERP system and the following error is displayed:

"ID Mapping for Mapping of Product Categories to Material Groups missing".


The ID Mapping has not been maintained for the proper system in the ID Mapping for Integration work center view.


  1. Go to the Application and User Management work center and access the view ID Mapping for Integration;
  2. Click on Edit ID Mapping for Integration;
  3. In the Mapping Of field select Product Categories to Material Groups;
  4. In the System Instance ID select the system which you are integrating to;
  5. Maintain the ID Mapping and click on Save.


KBA , mapping for integration , mapping of product categories , SRD-MD-PRD-PRD , Product , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions