RH_SFI_IMPORT_ONBOARDING_DATA program in SAP imports all the fields into SAP staging table HRSFI_D_ONB_IMP even though the fieldset in SAP is restricted to import less fields.
Another symptom could occur in transaction HRSFI_ONB_HIRE: When selecting button 'Show Details' on the detail screen, then select a candidate you can see more fields than the ones in the field set for importing onboarding data, even sensitive candidate privacy information like username and password...
- Integration Add-On for SAP ERP HCM and SuccessFactors HCM Suite
- Integration Scenario for Onboarding
Reproducing the Issue
- In SAP view the list of Mapping Fields in IMG that is configured in the mapping: Node 'Map SuccessFactors HCM Suite Fields and SAP ERP HCM Fields' (V_SFI_FLD_SET)
- Access transaction HRSFI_ONB_HIRE.
- Select a candidate and go to Details Tab at the bottom.
- Click show details.The list of fields that is shown is different from what is used in the mapping.
As of SP05 of SFIHCM03, there is a new inbound service called 'SFSFOnboardingGetNewHireRecordByExportId_In'.
The new inbound restricts the volume of data transfer from the SuccessFactors Onboarding system. The fields that are imported are the ones in the Onboarding Data Dictionary under Integrations > SAPHCM-Onboarding. So you should enter there only the fields that you need to be imported in SAP.
So make sure you use this service 'SFSFOnboardingGetNewHireRecordByExportId_In' instead of 'SFSFOnboardingGetNewHireRecord_In' and just enter the fields you want to transfer in the onboarding data dictionary under SAPHCM-Onboarding.
In case you use HCI as middleware, make sure you use artifact 'Get New Hire Record By Export Id'.
KBA , PA-SFI-TM , Integration with SuccessFactors BizX Talent Management , Problem