- processes are randomly hanging in disk i/o.
- Sybase ASE processes stuck in latch sleep state
- sample stack of a hanging SPID using sybmon utility:
pc: 0x0000000000543155 getpage_with_validation+ 0xdd5
pc: 0x00000000005337A2 apl__startscan+ 0x352
pc: 0x0000000000536890 startptnscan+ 0x490
pc: 0x000000000054888F LeScanOp::_LeOpNext+ 0x1ef
pc: 0x0000000000548BAB LeOperator::LeOpNext+ 0x5b
pc: 0x000000000053322C LeEmitSndOp::_LeOpNext+ 0x19c
pc: 0x000000000054BBD2 LePlanNext+ 0x112
pc: 0x00000000005495AA exec_lava+ 0x3fa
pc: 0x000000000054FBD1 s_execute+ 0x1281
pc: 0x000000000058AB4D sequencer+ 0x4fd
pc: 0x000000000058C33D execproc+ 0x6ad
pc: 0x0000000000551A72 s_execute+ 0x3122
pc: 0x000000000058AB4D sequencer+ 0x4fd
pc: 0x0000000001909A2F tdsrecv__dynexec+ 0x1af
pc: 0x0000000000E0CE75 tdsrecv_dynamic+ 0x665ee5
pc: 0x000000000050AACE conn_hdlr+ 0xe1e
pc: 0x00000000004061DF kpntwrapper+ 0x4f
******** End of stack trace, spid 27, kpid 422248895, suid 30 - kproc <SPID> in sybmon shows:
****waiting for regular buffer read to complete setdataok****
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) on Microsoft Windows
- Microsoft Windows (2012, 2008 )
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 12.5 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.0 ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.5
CR810995, 810995, disk io, disk controller , KBA , bufread , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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