SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2543703 - Time account creation based on employment details hire dates instead of original start date


  • After release b1708 We are encountering an error when running Time Account Creation Calendar.
  • After recent change of time accounts based on hire date of employee, the code considers Employment details - Original Start Date as hire date instead of Employment details - Hire Date.
  • Our requirement is to have time accounts starting from the latest hire ate (after rehire or company transfer) not from the date when employee was first entered into the system.



  • SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central


Verification checks performed by the system after b1708 release:

1. On change of hire date -> Error is thrown for user where booking date can't be adjusted
2. Time account change calendar run logs states errorneous record and for other users accounts are created without any issues.
3. Errorneous record have all details mentioned in log file : userId, accountStartDate, accountEndDate, bookableUntil and bookableFrom.
4. If an inconsistent accrual exists for a user still it processes user who don't have an account for certain period.

  • While creation of hire accounts system checks "original start date" from employment details.
  • Account creation behavior is: if there is an account which errors out during validity adjustment log file shows error reason as "The system tried to adapt the bookable period of time account ...."
  • Otherwise it creates the account or adapt time account validity as per "original start date".


  • See Handbook Page for details: Defining the Validity Period of Time Accounts
  • If a time account type is defined for account creation based on hire date, we expect the yearly recurring time accounts always are created based on the date/month the employee was originally hired. Original start date holds that information whereas the hire date is not that stable. In case of rehire that date is adjusted; however employment details information is not effective dated. So if an account was created based on a certain date/month and that date is changed, we don´t have the information from when they want to have accounts with other validity dates. You can define your time account type in a way that accounts are created based on an employee flexible date. Create a business rule to define the date relevant for an employee, if your requirement is to have another date considered for "account validity start date" from a certain point of time in employee's job history.


SF , success factors , EC , hire date , time account calendar job run error , time account based on hire date , KBA , time account based on hire date , original start date , time account calendar job run error , employee central , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions