- Incorrect coding of the IQ UTILITIES with EXECUTE IMMEDIATE will lead the server crash.
- The IQ server crashes at st_server.cxx with the following thread stack:
*** SAP IQ Abort:
*** From: stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1918
*** PID: 26381
*** Message: caught signal 11, program abort
*** Thread: 140583115884288 (TID: 10)
Dump all thread stacks at stcxtlib/st_server.cxx:1918 for PID: 26381
***************** This is the STACKTRACE ***************
===== Thread Number 140583115884288 (IQ connID: 0000000033) =====
pc: 0x7fdc056dc362 pcstkwalk
pc: 0x7fdc056dc9d1 ucstkgentrace
pc: 0x7fdc056ddc2e DumpAllThreads
pc: 0x7fdc0546841e hos_ABORT
pc: 0x7fdc061cfa3f SigHndlr
pc: 0x380ce0f7e0
pc: 0x7fdc2728ff8c dbi_iq_utilities
pc: 0x7fdc273683a4 DoExecuteStmt
pc: 0x7fdc272d8577 process_exec_immediate
pc: 0x7fdc272df30e exec_procedure_stmt
pc: 0x7fdc272e0283 run_procedure
pc: 0x7fdc272e10b7 call_procedure
pc: 0x7fdc272e14de dbi_stmt_batch
pc: 0x7fdc2736800d DoExecuteStmt
pc: 0x7fdc2736a03a db__execute
pc: 0x7fdc273797f4 RequestProcedure::call
pc: 0x7fdc271b5cbe Context::call
pc: 0x7fdc271b6626 Worker::call_on_stack
pc: 0x7fdc273746ed TopProcedure::call
pc: 0x7fdc271bb3a9 Worker::spawn
pc: 0x7fdc27374bfc EngStream::handle_ind
pc: 0x7fdc27377ce5 EngStream::execute
pc: 0x7fdc27373ab5 RQBaseItem::do_work
pc: 0x7fdc273badd6 RequestQueue::worker_body
pc: 0x7fdc27374945 request_task
pc: 0x7fdc27888b7d run_task_body
pc: 0x7fdc273bb967 UnixTask::pre_body
SAP Sybase IQ version 16.0 SP 11 PL09 and earlier
IQ 16.0, abort, process_exec_immediate, dbi_iq_utilities, DoExecuteStmt, CR 808178, CR808178, 808178 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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