When defining a new item type in items.xml, if it meets all of the following four conditions, the new item type cannot be created successfully by using system update.
- The definition of this new item type has a deployment configuration, e.g. <deployment table="MyStoreFrontProcess" typecode="11971" />
- This new item type extends from an OOTB item type
- The OOTB item type that this new item type extends from or the parent type of that OOTB item type already defined one or more indexes in database
- Using Oracle DB
Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: problem executing sql [reason: StatementCallback; uncategorized SQLException for SQL [CREATE TABLE MyStoreFrontProcess |
Hybris 6.3 using Oracle DB
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.3
new item type, unique index, Oracle , KBA , oracle , new item type , unique index , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem
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