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2544737 - IQ server crashed and logging stopped abruptly - SAP IQ


  • IQ server caught signal 11 (crashed) but both .iqmsg and .srvlog were lacking any records after the crash time stamp and
    until server was re-started. No stacktrace.

 .srvlog :

I. 09/29 08:31:05. Insert for '#ARCHY' completed in 1 seconds.  60 rows inserted.
I. 09/29 08:31:06. Insert for '#ARCHY' completed in 1 seconds.  60 rows inserted.
I. 09/29 08:31:07. Insert for '#ARCHY' completed in 1 seconds.  173 rows inserted.
I. 09/29 08:31:07. Insert for '#ARCHY' completed in 5 seconds.  180 rows inserted.
I. 09/29 08:31:08. Insert for '#rules' completed in 0 seconds.  0 rows inserted.
I. 09/29 08:31:08. Insert for '#rules' completed in 0 seconds.  0 rows inserted.
I. 09/29 08:31:09. Insert for '#ARCHY' completed in 2 seconds.  173 rows inserted.

and then nothing in the .srvlog file



I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000672824 PostCmt 0
I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000672824 Txn 1594194346 0 1594194346
I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000672824 Cmt 1594194347
I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000672824 PostCmt 0
I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000671449 Cmt 1594194348
I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000671449 PostCmt 0
I. 09/29 08:31:09. 0000674184     **  While handling one abort, caught signal 11, program abort on thread 140670653216512 (TID 1308)
I. 09/29 08:51:20. 0000000000 OpenDatabase Completed
I. 09/29 08:51:20. 0000000000 IQ cmd line srv opts: -iqnumbercpus 55 -iqmc 614400 -iqtc 307200 -iqlm 307200 -iqmsgsz 1024 -iqmsgnum 10 -iqgovern 74
I. 09/29 08:51:20. 0000000000 IQ full cmd line: -n xxxxx -x tcpip{port=2640} -gc 20 -gd all -gl all -gm 300 -iqnumbercpus 55 .......




SAP IQ any version


SAP IQ 16.0


signal 11, server crash, empty log, no stacktrace , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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