- CALL_FUNCTION_OPEN_ERROR dumps appearing in the transaction ST22 with the error GW_TABLE_OVERFLOW: “Active connection table is full” (thRc=249).
Work process trace file shows:
*** ERROR => DpCreateCommEntry: comm table full (xxxx entries), please check param rdisp/max_comm_entries [dpxxcomm.c 371] ************************************************************************* M * LOCATION SAP-Server SAP-Server <hostname>_<SID>_<nr> on host hostname (wp x) M * ERROR comm table full M * TIME M * COMPONENT DP M * DETAIL DpCreateCommEntry: comm table full (xxxx entries), please M * check param rdisp/max_comm_entries ************************************************************************* |
At the same moment the Gateway trace file (dev_rd) is showing:
*** ERROR => DpCreateCommEntry: comm table full (xxxx entries), please check param rdisp/max_comm_entries [dpxxcomm.c 371] |
- CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR dumps might also appear:
Short Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Error analysis |
At the same moment , Dispatcher trace (dev_disp) is showing:
*** WARNING => DpResourcesOk: too many <resource> DpSendLoadInfo: Resources exhausted DpSendLoadInfo: Resources exhausted DpSendLoadInfo: Resources exhausted DpUpdateStatusFileWith: state=YELLOW, reason=Server resources exhausted |
Checking SAP Note 63347 - List: CPIC error codes, the following can be seen:
COMM_TABLE_OVERFLOW 249 Comm. table full
R3_LOGIN_FAILED 672 R/3 Login failed
- Operating System independent
- Database independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA
- ABAP Platform
DpCreateCommEntry, comm table full, rdisp/max_comm_entries, rdisp/wp_ca_blk_no,too many ca blocks, Resources exhausted
COMM_TABLE_OVERFLOW, 249, Comm. table full, R3_LOGIN_FAILED, 672, R/3 Login failed, reason=Server resources exhausted , KBA , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , Problem
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