- HCP MDC system could not be access
- OOM dump traces exist
- "allocation failed" error or traces like the following could be found
e Memory ReportMemoryProblems.cpp(01463) : OUT OF MEMORY occurred.
Host: <hostname>Executable: hdbindexserver
PID: 12345
Failed to allocate 654123 byte.
GLOBAL_ALLOCATION_LIMIT (GAL) = 57.49gb (61730680832b), SHARED_MEMORY = 2.25gb (2420142080b), CODE_SIZE = 1.84gb (1982320640b), OOM_RESERVATION_ALLOCATOR_SIZE = 288.54mb (302563328b)
PID=12345(hdbindexserver), PAL=9.76gb (10485760000b), AB=6.21gb (6677389312b), UA=0, U=4.84gb (5200356870b), FSL=0b, FMC=0b
[Some processes may have been skipped]
Total allocated memory= 44.80gb (48111943680b)
Total used memory = 28.73gb (30856447778b)
Sum AB = 43709480960
Sum Used = 26453985058
- SAP Cloud Platform
- Multitenant Database Containers (MDC)
SAP BTP, Neo environment 1.0
hang, stuck, not responding, oom, memory, HCP, HANA Cloud Platform, out of memory , KBA , BC-NEO-PERS , Persistence Service , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To
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