You are doing condition contract settlement (CCS) in transaction WB2R_SC or WB2R_SV in an ERP environment.
During execution, you are getting one of the below error messages, indicating that organizational data was not assigned to the relevant condition contract:
- WB2R017: No purchase organisation assigned to contract
- WB2R018: No purchase group assigned to contract
- WB2R019: No sales organisation assigned to contract
- WB2R020: No distribution chain assigned to contract
- WB2R021: No division assigned to contract
Condition Contract Settlement in ERP
call_transfer_manager_70; WB2R017; WB2R018; WB2R019; WB2R020; WB2R021; WB2R 017; WB2R 018; WB2R 019; WB2R 020; WB2R 021; no_spart; no_vkorg; no_vtweg; no_vkorg; no_ekgrp; no_ekorg; TMZR-WRTYP; cx_wb2r_settlement; No purchase organisation assigned to contract; No purchase group assigned to contract; No sales organisation assigned to contract; No distribution chain assigned to contract; No division assigned to contract; org data; organization data , KBA , LO-GT-CCS , Condition Contract Settlement , LO-AB , Settlement Management , Problem
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